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Enter in a world where creativity meets philosophy. Asli Bolayir, born in Cyprus and educated in Marseille, France plays with the dullness of every day life by forming a strong connection between her thoughtful mindset and creativity.


Asli Bolayir questions objective perceptions of what is real by emphasizing the importance of the individual: “We create our own world with our realities”. In the search for reality, the artist expresses herself by using several techniques – lithography, photography, collage, and color- only then, she points out, can reality be subjective and open for interpretation. lifts us to a new level and with a great feeling you are reminded of what really matters here on earth.


Veni Vidi Ici
Wind Mill
Aqui Hay Alma

According to her, the gradual revealing of a fragmented group of paintings leaves personal space for scrutinizing and distinguishing one’s own truth.


The notion of movement plays another vital feature, which embodies a key element in Bolayir’s masterpieces of art: “What I’m interested in is the process of travel. As we all live in this world we create connection, with our movements we weave ties. In my work I usually like to play with dualities or vice versa.” By the same token, dichotomies such as identity, territory, absence and presence are repeatedly used throughout her work. By distancing one from one side, she stresses, one is getting closer to the other - gaining a new perspective - a new reality. This concept of distance goes hand in hand with the one of movement triggering an exciting artistic re-interpretation of the ordinary. Bolayir’s art lifts us to a new level and with a great feeling you are reminded of what really matters here on earth.



Curators of the Chianciano Biennale 2013 selected Asli Bolayir’s outstanding masterpieces to be part of this exclusive event, taking place from the 7th until the 14th of September 2013. Around 120 artists from more than 30 different nations are invited to exhibit in the heart of Tuscany, at the Museo d’Arte of Chianciano. Not only art lovers but also professionals in the field are looking forward to this exceptional opportunity to experience a few days of Italian Dolce Vita in a highly intellectual setting, embellished by exceptional masterpieces of art of today’s best talents.


Top Left: "Are you waiting for inspiration?", Photography printing on metallic paper

Bottom Right. "Wind Mill", Acrylic and Sewing on canvas


By Victoria Ludwig.


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